Sunday, 11 July 2010

What Has It All Brought Us?

Many of us have been glued to the TV the last month, but what does the World Cup actually mean for the face of sport?

Well, for one, I believe we will now gain goal-line technology and video replays. We have to. There were two incidents within 2 days displaying how poor FIFA's handling over everything has been. Why does Sepp Blatter find it inconceivable that we can't incorporate 21st century ideas into a 19th century game? He's an egotistical idiot who needs to realise that football is about the Beautiful Game, and not about him.

But has this World Cup taken things out of the game? Bernie Ecclestone said this morning that he would rather be involved in the World Cup than the Olympics, but would anyone else? Not with the way football is at the minute. Its a debt-ridden sport, and its a game where everything involves too much money. Wage caps need to come in, the 'Fit and Porper' Premier League owner tests need to be more strenuous, and we need to be nurturing our homegrown talent, not buying in foreign talent. Things need to change before most countries realise their full potential.

Still, the World Cup has been the best we've ever seen. By a living mile.

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